Thanksgiving’s Morning

Streets of Manhattan, 8:00 am.
Am i the only one working?


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  • Claude-Olivier

    oh, géniale la photo…et pas très courante je pense 😉 ca me rappelle de bon souvenirs pour le coup…ah, la grosse pomme, c’est quand meme sympa ! Bonne journée

  • Zen Chef

    Claude olivier,
    C’est vrai que c’est sympa la grosse pomme… A part les jours ou on y est le seul a bosser! hahaha

  • Hello Rainbow

    Ooopsie! I almost forgot.. Italians don’t celebrate Thanksgiving so I’m forgiven. Happy Thanksgiving.. Now hand me some turkey! 😛

  • Chicken & Waffles

    We were working, honey. Just not ON the streets.

  • §pinzer

    Zen, experiment failed. Ain’t even gonna publish any photo. Wish me luck on second try!!

    Oh btw, I thought of a lovely way to roast my turkey… I did it before with chicken: pierce skin and meat with sharp knife, insert a clove of peeled garlic into slit. continue everywhere and marinade. Garlic taste oozes out into the meat while roasting!!

  • Zen Chef

    Spinzer, you should start a blog with kitchen experiment failures, it would be awesome! I would read it! hehehe
    Regarding the garlic, it’s a classic technique, it’s really good and works well with leg of lamb also. You a kitchen genius! haha

  • eva

    Elle est drôle cette photo !

  • Cindy. Lo.

    Haha no one’s on the street,
    8 a.m….
    I guess I was on my way to San Francisco,
    8 hours drive….