Stuffed Chicken & Kitchen Sink Philosophy

To stuff, or not to stuff: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of bland chicken.


The people who get married, take on a mortgage, raise kids, cope with the daily grind, build a nest – and still eat dull chicken breast for dinner – are a bit sad, don’t you think? Seriously, there must be more to life than a bland piece of white meat in your plate. Whoever said ‘The cure for boredom is curiosity. There’s no cure for curiosity.’ had a great deal of “chicken wisdom’ – and probably ate a stuffed breast for dinner that night. What’s not to love about foods that promise a surprise in every bite?

Cooking stuffed Chicken

Stuffed Chicken with Spinach, mushrooms & Tallegio

Stuffed Chicken with dried fruits & cider vinegar reduction

*Those who think the newspaper clipping at the beginning of this post is real, raise their hands. haha! Got ya!

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  • AzAzura

    I have to agree I hardly stuffed my chicken.. maybe I should start.
    My 2008 resolution is to stuffed all my chicken dishes.
    I laughed through reading this whole entry…you’re funny + brilliant.

  • Manggy

    Whoa! Those look excellent! I wish I could suddenly change my Valentine’s menu!
    I saw one version of that dish when I was very young in a magazine… I think it was stuffed with tarragon. I’m seriously salivating now..

  • Ben

    I agree with your philosophy, it is all about the stuffing, though the chicken by itself doesn’t have to be bland. If you make bland chicken you should really stay away from the kitchen, that’s my philosophy. Hehehe.
    Happy Hallmark holiday to you, too!

  • Heather

    I love stuffing! I stuffed a turkey tenderloin last week. Funny post as yoozh.

    I think we should all have Diatribe Day. I had mine, you had yours, now we just need to get everyone else to stand up and rant!

  • Alejandra

    I heart you Zen. And I heart stuffing. And I never, ever say “heart” so I’m not sure what that’s about, but blame it on the explosion of pink-covered chocolates flooding my office at the moment. It’s funny though because I don’t believe I’ve ever stuffed a chicken breast—I stuff just about everything else and am always quick to order stuffed things when available. It’s that whole idea of getting more. I like more. I like excess. Plus, it’s like a secret. Secrets, surprises, and excess. What’s not to love?!

  • La Belette Rouge

    If I had a dollar for every dried up and bland chicken breast I have eaten I would have enough money for a first class trip to NYC where upon arrival I would hire you to make that stuffed chicken breast.

  • Emiline

    That stuffed chicken looks beautiful. I would love to try taleggio, but I can’t find it anywhere.
    How did you do that? Is it two boneless chicken halves?

  • daphne

    I always find stuffed chicken more appealing. It adds more texture to an otherwise boring piece of chicken breast!

  • Chicken & Waffles

    Well, you know I like having my chicken stuffed.

    Just saying.

  • Ann

    I knew it wasn’t real because of the typo. :-)

    And yum!

  • Colleen

    Chicken thighs are more juicy than the breast. I’d stuff more but I live with a vegetarian and I refuse to use the fake meat.

    (God, this post could be taken out of context soooo easily. I’ll leave that alone for now. :-) )

  • Zen Chef

    LBR. Great, now i have to cook for you! hehe

    Emiline, it’s only one breast, butterflied, flattened, stuffed, rolled and tied. Does that make any sense? :-)

    Daphne, i gotta agree with you!

    C & W. euhh. okayyyyyy! hahahaha

    Ann, you a New yorker! of course you can’t be fooled.

    Well Colleen, it’s been taken out of context big time! Thanks to your help. hahaha

  • foodhuntress79

    Hello, Zen Chef. I am always late to comment. Thanks for the link. :) That’s a perfect truss there. But my favorite part of the chicken is the wings and blood. And marinated chicken feet and grilled chicken intestines in chili vinegar.

    By the way, is it “The New Pork” there on the top page?

  • Big Boys Oven

    gosh, those stuffed chicken of yours look so deliciously gorgeous!

  • Anali

    Oh all the places I could go with your stuffed chicken metaphors. But I’ll leave it at this. That stuffed chicken looks so very tasty! ; )

    By the way, the newspaper article is so cool! How did you do that?

  • Zen Chef

    Foodhuntress. hahaha. ‘The New Pork Times’ i like that! :-) It was meant to be New York but now you say it.
    I want to try the grilled chicken intestines with chili vinegar. I like the sound of that! I love wings too! :-)

  • Zen Chef

    Thank you big boys oven!
    I saved you some. haha

  • Zen Chef

    Anali, i know! haha. Better not go there right? :-)
    Go to to make your own newspaper article.

  • Emiline

    I guess so, but those look huge.

  • Dhanggit

    oh my god!! this stuffed chicken i really need to try..

    i cant get them out of my head

  • Tartelette

    Stuffed chicken rocks! Breast…Valentine’s Day…hmmhmmm Ok, i’ll take my mind out of the gutter!

  • Patricia Scarpin

    What time should I arrive for dinner?? 😉
    You’ve really taken chicken breasts to a whole new (and delicious) level!

  • White On Rice Couple

    Stuffing the chicken is a great option to adding a new element to this meat. I have many friends who only eat chicken and I’m always in need to new chicken recipes. They’ll love this one. I’ll be sure to tell them who the inspiration behind this dish is. Zenchef!