Archive for March, 2010

Cardamom-Macadamia Nougat Glacé with Kumquat-Pineapple soup.

It really started out of desperation and rummaging through my refrigerator looking for something to snack on. My search for something salty and addictive failed but i knew all wasn’t lost when i found a container of candied kumquats, the same ones i used here and there, except that the syrup has morphed into in […]


Porchetta Pizza

I’ve been scratching my head over how to describe porchetta – so i got some help. Are you ready for a moment of Wikipedia wisdom? Porchetta /por’ket:a/ is a savory, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition. The body of the pig is gutted, deboned, arranged carefully with layers of stuffing, meat, […]


Taku River Salmon Tartare with Black & White Sesame Tuile, Karasumi and Shiso

I’ve been a bit silent of the blog this past week because i had to catch up on real life for a little. Now that’s taken care of i’m back to the land of delicious food and friendly people. I’m often accused of making complicated dishes. The truth is, most of what i do on […]